Well the day finally came that the kids returning to school is soon to become a reality. We got to the school a little after eight and went to Emma's informational meeting which we have heard twice before. Then we met her teacher. I think she has a good one. Emma seems a little more excited after today. She sat in her spot at her table and organized and re-organized her pencil box. Then we went to Katie's meeting which was essentially the same as the Emma's. Then we went to her classroom. She had a list of past friends who she really wanted to be in her class. We learned right off that she didn't get her really good friend from last year in her class, but she realized she had two of her other good friends not only in her class but at her table (I hope she doesn't get in trouble for talking)she is excited. She also has her cousin Paige in her class. Paige and Katie have had a love/hate relationship all their lives. It's hard to explain because I don't think it is typical but it is cause for concern. When they were in class together in pre-school they only played with each other so that was a problem. Emily and I figure they will either compete with each other, fight with each other, or be best friends. We explained the dynamic to the teacher and she told us she would watch them and see how they do and make sure they aren't sitting at the same table.
It seems every time we meet a challenge though the Lord sends us some reassurance it turns out their teacher's assistant was their teacher in their three-year-old year in Pre-school. So she already knows them and she is super sweet. Thank you Lord for your provision.
Oh and the Van is fixed. Thank the Lord that it was not the alternator is was something with the post on the battery which didn't cost very much to fix.
Great to see you blogging!!! I know the kids will love school and thier teachers I'm sure will love them. Yay!! for your van I know that is a heavy burden lifted.
She's baaaaacckk! Glad everything's getting back in the groove & the van is fixed. Can Monday come fast engough???
Glad your car repair was minor. Also glad to see you back on the blog-circuit (if I said that earlier sorry). Hope the year runs smoothly and that I will see you at MOPS stuff.
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