Tuesday, December 18, 2007

One last post to catch you all up.

I saved the best for last. Two Wednesdays ago our daughter Katie decided to give her life to Christ. She has been talking about it for a while but I just didn't feel like the understanding was there. She goes to AWANA at church and they had a missionary in to speak to the children. She made the decision that night. I got there to get her just as they were taking the ones who stood up to pray so I got the privilege of praying with her. When she got done praying she looked up at me and said "that's a big step Mom." Im so proud of her and I hope you will all pray for her as she begins this new journey. She is already struggling with her old way of doing things and her new accountability. I told her that night after she prayed that I was pleased that now she is not only my Daughter but my Sister.

He did it!

As you all know Andy had an interview for a new position at the end of November. He got it! He has been working hard all his career and now it finally seems like He may be getting somewhere. Im so proud of you babe. He is now the Dean of Enrollment Management. Impressive sounding isn't it? Way to go hon. Oh and you look Hot in your suit. :)

Locks of Love.

About a year and a half ago Katie got her hair cut for locks of love. Emma so admired her decision she wanted to do it to. Only problem was that her hair was shoulder length. She grew it until last week. With her Daddy dragging his heals she got it cut. She needed 10 inches she had 10 1/2. She was so proud. We were proud of her.

Emma's hair cut.

Lots of Leaves.

We had so much fun in the leaves. The kids played, they laughed, they threw, I raked. Andy was busy with work and school so it was up to me to rake up the piles for the kids to jump in. It was worth a few sore muscles to see them have fun.

Fall Fun!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It has been a while.

I haven't blogged in a few weeks so I hope to catch everyone up with a few slide shows. Thank you all for being interested.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!

Our family loves Christmas. The kids and I really get into Christmas decorations and lights. When I was little my family lived away from extended family, my Mom took that opportunity to create all kinds of wonderful holiday traditions. Andy's Mom has some great traditions as well. The way my kids know that its time to herald in the season is the tree lot near our house. They watch it everyday. They get more and more excited as signs of the season spring up at the lot a little at a time. Yesterday they brought out the Christmas trees and started setting them up. Today they pulled out the big guns... the SNOWMAN. They love it. Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Spend a lot of time with your families and eat a lot of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving from The Gardner Gang.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ian's first week.

Ian and Bella. First date?

I thought I would put up a slide show of Ian's first week. Everyone prayed for him so much but nobody saw what he went through. So here he is in his first week. Thank you all for your prayers. He is a healthy 19mo. old now and its hard to remember where he has been. He was born on March 20, 2006. He had breathing problems after birth and they eventually decided to send him to Charlotte. He came home the next Monday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ok everyone time to pray for Andy. He is under a lot of pressure with work and school. He is trying to finish out this semester with school which has been a bugger! There have been several people who have been in this program for a long time who say this has been one of the worst semesters yet. So hopefully it will get better. For anyone who may not know Andy is pursuing his Doctorate. Also with work He has an opportunity to interview for a job that he has been wanting for a very long time. Every thing we have done work and school wise is to eventually lead to this point. He should have the interview later this week and hopefully know soon after that. We have been praying for this for years. This is the career move he feels like he needs to make. And on top of all that he is sick. He started feeling stopped up last week and now its the crud and a cough. I feel sorry for him feeling so bad and having no time to slow down. All I can do for him is to keep things going around the house. Anyway that's something I would like for all of you to pray for.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Katie is so funny!

For anyone who knows my dad you would know that He has a very dry sense of humor. Some might even call it corny, Not me because I share the same sense of humor. :) It became clear to me this weekend that Katie has also been "blessed" with the same sense of humor. The other night I was in the kitchen mixing up Russian Tea mix and Katie wanted a cup. I fixed her a cup. She drank about half of it and then said she didn't want any more. I told her to pour it out and put her cup in the sink. As she poured it out she looked at me and said "I guess its Russin' down the drain." I laughed because I would have said the same thing. Then a little later on Ian decided to play in the toilet (a favorite pass time of his if the older kids forget to shut the bathroom door). However this time they also forgot to flush it. (EW!!!) SO there was a puddle of pee/water around the toilet. I stripped Ian and got him in the bathtub right as my Mother-in-law arrived at the house. I asked her to finish Ian's bath as I finished up in the kitchen. I called to Katie and told her to put a towel in the puddle so Maw-maw wouldn't slip and I heard her say to Becky as she walked into the bathroom "Pee careful Maw-maw." My father should be so proud, I know I am.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Eggs down the drain.

Ah, Nathan. Isn't he cute? I know that he is but he is also three. Now for any of you who have had a three year old you know that it can sometimes be quite the adventure. Nathan has been that lately to say the least. This afternoon after a very busy morning that included a flu shot and lunch at Chick-fil-a he was tired and wanted to watch a movie. He was watching Sky High and the other kids were occupied so I thought I had a few minutes to check my e-mail in peace. As I was sitting at the computer going through the e-mails Emma walked into the room carrying a egg in her hand. I asked her what she was doing with an egg and she said she was saving it. I said "from what?" She said "from Nathan." So I jumped up and ran to the kitchen and find my darling boy standing in a chair at the sink cracking eggs into one side and dropping the shells into the other. He had already made it through TWO DOZEN eggs. I know because I counted the shells as I was cleaning them out of the sink. AND he had another dozen sitting on the counter ready to go. Once I dealt with him and cleaned up the mess I said "Son what were you doing with the eggs?" He said "I was washing dem." I guess that makes sense to him. Anyway that's life with a three year old or rather my three year old.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Welcome to my Blog.

Iam just a baby blogger with very little clue as to how to do this thing. So if you will just bear with me. I hope this works out but we shall see. I will try to pretty it up later. Bye.