Monday, June 16, 2008

My brush with the law.

I am kicking myself that I haven't thought about blogging this before now.

Last Monday night I went to the Yellow Mall with my Mom and the kids. We got done kind of late and made it back to Shelby about 8:30 and I was driving the back way home, I was on Graham Street almost at the stop sign when Nathan said he was going to barf. I stopped in the road because there wasn't anyone behind me and scrambled around to find him something to barf in. After giving him instructions and making sure he was OK I drove on. A white car pulled out behind me and when I turned at the stop sign I saw blue lights in the rear view mirror so I pulled over. I wasn't upset because we hadn't done anything wrong. I rolled down my mirror and looked in the side mirror that's when I realized this wasn't some ordinary traffic stop. The officer had His flashlight in one hand and his other hand on his gun. And he was ALL business. Then he hollered "PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM." I quickly stuck my hands out the window and He immediately relaxed and walked up to the car with a smile on his face. He said "here's the situation Ma'am, we had an inmate get away from us and I saw you stopped in the road back there and I heard voices, I just wanted to make sure that He hadn't gotten in the car with you and your family." I was like "uh no my son was about to throw up." He was very nice and told me I could go. As we pulled off and the kids returned to full volume my mom said "if he had gotten in the car with us he would have turned himself in." At that point I had to agree with her the kids were all quite rowdy. When I told my brother about it he cracked up. He had a few brushes with the law in his younger wilder days and he found it hilarious that his straight arrow sister was told to put her hands where they could be seen.

Any of you who live in Shelby have probably heard about this guy getting away from the police. They lost him at the intersection of Graham street and Kings road about two hundred yards from where I stopped to take care of Nathan. Thank you Lord for your protection.


Joy Bruza said...

Ha ha! That is really funny. I'll call you soon so we can catch up. Love ya.

EngineersFalcon said...

You will have to ask Rhianna about her "bruch with the law" one night while we were scrapbooking at my house (we are a wild bunch I tel you!)